I don't know why I think this is a good idea, but I'm learning to play ukulele. My Tagalog tutor had a cheap one lying around that she wasn't playing, and she let me have it so I could see if I liked it before spending dough on one of my own. (A decent starter uke is about $50-80 bones; this one is probably in the $20 range.)
Actually, this was inspired by the poetry slam I went to the other night. They busted out a uke for one of the pieces and I jotted down in my notebook, "get a ukulele" -- a note I rediscovered the next day in class when I was talking about deciding whether to lobby for a creative performance as my dissertation project (the uke would be put to use in the performance). So I went home Friday and spent the rest of the night learning all I could about the ukulele and how difficult it would be to get started. Turns out it's not too bad. After an hour or so of tuning and tinkering around, I know four chords (though I can't quite change between them yet), and I'm getting the hang of strumming. I can already see the cheapness of the one I have, though. The tuning thingies (I could probably look this up, but I want to get this posted quickly) are made of plastic and don't stay in place when I tune. That's definitely a problem. Nevertheless, I think I'll see how I'm doing in another couple weeks before I decide if investing in an entry-level uke is wise.
But let me tell you, I've already got my eye on this little number:
Lanikai LU-21C Concert Ukulele
Part #: 302530
List Price:
Your Price: $79.00
Inventory Status: Available
And if I go through with this, it will take every fiber of my being not to get one of these (I think you know why):

Don't worry, Cray. I'm not getting anything anytime soon.
How great that your friend and tutor could lend you trial balloon, so to speak!
"You need to blog more!" says the mysterious stranger. What am I supposed to read at work?